Well I can only start by saying, that dream was AWFUL!. I wont go in to details but, when I woke up after it, can only say how rubbish I felt. Thankfully I had support from Lisa who listened to me when I talked about it, but, that dream really brought a few bits home to me and kinda opened my eyes to a few things. It was only after going to the doctors, to have my blood work done, ready for my next Ocrevus treatment that I realised I had to try and take some time out to help myself. Never had a dream hit me so hard, so once finished with the doctors I stayed on my mobility scooter for a bit and took a nice ride around to try and calm myself. It did work so now thankfully I'm a bit more relaxed. Sometimes we just need a little mental health break, even if that's just a few minutes doing something you enjoy.
Maybe an hour or so after the bloodwork I had a call from the MS team at the hospital, unfortunately my treatment date has had to change due to staff illness, so, now that's on the 12th Sept. Need to mention that I'd always had such a fear of needles but, the nurse at the doctors today was fantastic, hardly felt it at all and kept me chatting away until it was all done.
Speak soon
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