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My story

I'm Mike, 

It all started around 10 years ago with numbness in my feet, which I ignored as it would come and go.

over time the feeling got worse and actually stopped going away, thinking it was probably just an infection I went to the doctors and was given antibiotics, this didn't really make much difference so I just carried on with life. As time went on the numbness worked its way up my legs and eventually into a very tight band across my chest and back which, again has never gone away. I went back to the doctors and was told I needed to go for an MRI scan, this didn't work as I was afraid of the small space, I did go for an open scan which showed an issue with a disc in my back, its also suggested a second scan. the second scan was done with contrast dye, this showed 2 patches of demyelination on my spine. I was then sent for a brain scan, for that scan I had to overcome my fear of closed scanners, I did this and I have explained how on an episode of the podcast. the scan showed 'A few tiny white matter legions' on my brain, my Neurologist then diagnosed me with Multiple Sclerosis at that point. 

I started a podcast talking about my life with MS.

The link to the podcast is above, pop across to my YouTube, TikTok and Instagram accounts to come say hi, I will be doing Q&A sessions on the podcast so by all means ask away and I will do my best to answer as many questions as I can. 

The reason I started the social media accounts and podcast was to get my story out and try to help anyone else that might be struggling with opening up about issues they might be having. 


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virtual local numbers
8 months ago

I apologise that, I can help nothing. But it is assured, that you will find the correct decision.

Colleen Smith
a year ago

Hi Mike,
1st time listener & just love your demeanor! Thx for talking about our issues! Diagnosed at 54 so 1-1/2 years ago & on Kesimpta. We carry on. Love from Colorado

Paul Muddiman
a year ago

Hi Mike,
Like yourself I started with numb feet after I went through a phase of long walks with the dog following my younger brothers motorcyle accident and subsequent stay at Stoke Mandeville hospital.
The MS has gone on since those days in 1993 but all credit to you.
Keep up the good fight and good luck.
Best Wishes - Paul

a year ago

Hi my name is Chris Gerard I'm contacting you from we are a non-profit LLC looking to be on podcast and other aspects we are a group of diverse Ms Warriors

Karim Daya
2 years ago

Hello from Toronto, Canada. I’m a fellow PPMSer why has just started Ocrevus. Keep it all up.

Mal Kiely
2 years ago

G'day from a fellow guy MSer from Australia! Thanks so much for your blog and podcast!